1. Tell me about you!
My name is Nina and I’m a soon to be 30 year old (in April) currently living in Los Angeles, CA, working as a freelance designer, merchandiser, and stylist in the fashion industry. Besides fashion, I’m completely addicted to cooking shows and food blogs & forums. I also visit photography and interior design/arts & crafts sites.
2. Why/when did you start the blog?
I started Femme Rationale last Fall as an outlet other than work for my fashion obsession.

3. What are the 2 ugliest things in your closet? 2 most fabulous things?
Two ugliest: One would definitely have to be my Uggs. But in my defense, I only wear them around the house. The 2nd thing would be my fiance’s (aka FM) UC Santa Barbara sweater I “borrowed”. It’s so old and ratty but it’s super soft and warm. Two fabulous: My sapphire and diamond engagement ring and my vintage gold Breitling watch that belonged to FM’s mother.
4. What distinguishes your style from everybody else’s?
I honestly don’t think my style is so unique that it’s distinguishable. But if I had to say, I guess you’ll never catch me in rubber flip flops or track suits? (living in LA, these are actually a wardrobe staple for most)

5. What’s the most you’ve ever spent on an article of clothing (or shoes/accessories, etc.)? What was it?
That would have to be any one of my designer bags. Let’s just say it was a big chunk out of my bank account.
6. Best fashion advice you ever got?
Crack is whack.
7. Heels or flats?
Heels – the higher the better. And if my friends deem them “hooker heels”, then I know I did well.

8. What’s your favorite “getting ready” music?
Depends…if I’m gonna be out partying, then it’ll have to be my collection of mash-ups that different dj’s have put together. If it’s a nice dinner date w/FM, then some Sinatra is definitely in order.
9. Fill in the blanks:
"Oh hell no, I'd never wear __Aqua Net__ again! That’s soooo __20__ years ago”
10. What’s your biggest regular beauty indulgence?
11. Until what age do you think it’s appropriate to wear shirts that show a significant amount of cleve? And as a follow up, do you think it’s ever appropriate to show nipple under a sheer top (catwalks not included)?
I don’t think there’s an age limit, per se. Look at Susan Sarandon and Helen Mirren – both fabulous and both sexy. I think as long as it’s tastefully done. But then again, I’m from LA so my perspective might be a bit skewed. As for nipple action…I wouldn’t be comfortable exposing myself like that but if you’re ok with it, why not. To each their own.
12. How long should you keep something you love – but never wear – before you get rid of it?
I’m the wrong person to ask. I rarely throw anything out. I have a separate closet that’s only for my “archives”. I’ll pack and store things cuz I know at some point I’ll come back to it.
13. What are 3 adjectives that describe your personality?
Rational, independent, introverted
14. Fuck, Marry, Kill: Jack Nicholson, Mickey Rourke, Jay Leno.
Kill Leno (I’m a Letterman fan), marry Jack, f*** Rourke circa 1986 when he did 9 ½ Weeks.
15. What sets your blog apart from all the other fashion blogs out there?
It’s run by me. ☺
My name is Nina and I’m a soon to be 30 year old (in April) currently living in Los Angeles, CA, working as a freelance designer, merchandiser, and stylist in the fashion industry. Besides fashion, I’m completely addicted to cooking shows and food blogs & forums. I also visit photography and interior design/arts & crafts sites.
2. Why/when did you start the blog?
I started Femme Rationale last Fall as an outlet other than work for my fashion obsession.

Two ugliest: One would definitely have to be my Uggs. But in my defense, I only wear them around the house. The 2nd thing would be my fiance’s (aka FM) UC Santa Barbara sweater I “borrowed”. It’s so old and ratty but it’s super soft and warm. Two fabulous: My sapphire and diamond engagement ring and my vintage gold Breitling watch that belonged to FM’s mother.
4. What distinguishes your style from everybody else’s?
I honestly don’t think my style is so unique that it’s distinguishable. But if I had to say, I guess you’ll never catch me in rubber flip flops or track suits? (living in LA, these are actually a wardrobe staple for most)

That would have to be any one of my designer bags. Let’s just say it was a big chunk out of my bank account.
6. Best fashion advice you ever got?
Crack is whack.
7. Heels or flats?
Heels – the higher the better. And if my friends deem them “hooker heels”, then I know I did well.

Depends…if I’m gonna be out partying, then it’ll have to be my collection of mash-ups that different dj’s have put together. If it’s a nice dinner date w/FM, then some Sinatra is definitely in order.
9. Fill in the blanks:
"Oh hell no, I'd never wear __Aqua Net__ again! That’s soooo __20__ years ago”
10. What’s your biggest regular beauty indulgence?

I don’t think there’s an age limit, per se. Look at Susan Sarandon and Helen Mirren – both fabulous and both sexy. I think as long as it’s tastefully done. But then again, I’m from LA so my perspective might be a bit skewed. As for nipple action…I wouldn’t be comfortable exposing myself like that but if you’re ok with it, why not. To each their own.
12. How long should you keep something you love – but never wear – before you get rid of it?
I’m the wrong person to ask. I rarely throw anything out. I have a separate closet that’s only for my “archives”. I’ll pack and store things cuz I know at some point I’ll come back to it.
13. What are 3 adjectives that describe your personality?
Rational, independent, introverted

Kill Leno (I’m a Letterman fan), marry Jack, f*** Rourke circa 1986 when he did 9 ½ Weeks.
15. What sets your blog apart from all the other fashion blogs out there?
It’s run by me. ☺
Well that's it, people...if you're a blogger and you'd be interested in getting featured on SND, email me your site, I'd love to take a look...I absolutely adore getting to know other bloggers. Until then, go on over to Femme Rationale, show Nina some love, and explore the site - there are MANY pictures I didn't post that are worth your coveting!
Heels – the higher the better. And if my friends deem them “hooker heels”, then I know I did well.
^^^ hahaha. that made me laugh so hard! =)
Great interview!
love your interview style! i've read her blog for a while and still discovered some new things:)
Great interview!! "Crack is whack"... WORD!
Thanks everybody!! Keep checking back for more blogger interviews!!
loved that interview. nina is great and her style is always inspirational.
thank you everyone! i had fun doing this interview and i'm glad you just liked it! <3
Nina is amazing! She's fashionable and beautiful and will kick your a$$!
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