I've been doing some shopping the last few days. Running around NYC with my girl MJ like we're the Hiltons...errrr Kardashians...errrr Olsens! - all the way downtown to Century 21, all around the the village, the LES - a brunch here, a dinner there, shop shop shop. Why? No idea...but 1) we can't stop ourselves, and 2) it just felt really right...so we indulged.
In my ongoing quest to find the perfect pair of skinny jeans that won't stretch after 1-2 wears, are moderately priced, are the perfect wash, perfect proportions and, of course, flatter the booty, I've been searching through my fair share of denim racks the past few days. In Century 21 I was flooded in Wranglers, DVB, Hudsons and Rock & Republic, we stopped in Atrium (god knows why), wandered up and down Broadway, even making our way east into the Patricia Fields store (where I almost bought a faux fur coat because it was $14, until my friends talked me down).
Do you know what concerned me in all this denim browsing? Not a pair of skinny jeans in sight!! Wideleg, flare, bootcut, baggy - nothing was skinny...in fact, everything was the opposite of skinny...they were all...fat. This is what I'm talking about:

Eek!! Here are some GOOD examples:

Yall with me? Rolled up, tattered, holes, low crotch, it's all good. Just be sure it doesn't make you look like a full-on dude. No need to steal his hoodie and his Carhartt jacket too. You're still a woman, you are still feminine, make sure something in your outfit says it. Oh, and for those of you who date men who wear skinny jeans (because, thankfully, a good many of them do now) and who are skinnier than you...a safe and economical way to experiment with this look is to get yourself to the nearest Salvation Army/Goodwill and find your way to the men's section.
Oh, and for those of you who are wondering if I ever did find those skinny jeans. Thankfully Uniqlo and Levis can still be counted on for skyscraper shelves filled with skinnies (and Uniqulo hems them for free!!). I'm still on the hunt for the perfect pair...I'll keep you abreast of my progress.
come over to the side of the boyfriend jean! haha they are more fun to play with
i think it cnages cuz not everyone can wear skinny jeans.
i think it takes turns and changes like womens bodies change.
not everyone wants to "flont it" :D
cnages = changes* (spelling error)
: )
can you tell me where you found the picture of the wide leg jeans? i've been trying to find a pair like those but don't know where to find one.
not sure where these particular ones are from, but Banana Republic, Se7en and JCrew always seems to have a good selection of wide leg jeans.
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