I don't know whether or not it's acceptable to wear it during the day...if I were high maintenance enough I would probably disregard whatever rules there were out there and do it every single morning. Alas, even on the few occasions that I go out at night, I hardly ever - in any kind of time-consuming way - attend to my eyes (though I RARELY leave the house without mascara).
The inner makeup artist inside of me thinks that everytime I attempt the smokey eye I do a bang up job, in reality I probably need some tutoring...so I took to youtube to get some hints. There are TONS of little tutorials...but for some reason I really like this girl:
She's sassy and I think the braces work for her :). She's got several tutorials that she's posted, I suggest you check the rest of them out too.
Well that's my spiel about smoke. Cigarettes are bad. But a smokey eye is a Killer.
how do you think of these things? smokey eyes-why didn't we get to see your eyes? it makes the reader curious!
what a difference.....
i wish i was so good with macke up!
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