"Mihal, that's all well and good," you must be thinking, "but if I wanted to read about fitness I would be on a fitness blog". Don't worry, this ties into fashion...it's coming.
**But while we're on the topic of fitness blogs, I should mention that a new favorite of mine is The Great Fitness Experiment by Charlotte Andersen (she also blogs for Huffington Post, another fav). Check her out...she's hilarious and oh so sassy.**
Anyway, I had a gym-epiphany earlier this year, and I'd like to share it with all of you.
I have always been the type of girl who works out in cut-off sweats (capri length) and a baggy tshirt. Not because I was self-conscious about my body, and not because I thought it was particularly cute, but because it was easy and I didn't have to think about inadvertently showing skin, or - let's be real here - maybe my armpits hadn't been shaved in like 5 days and I didn't wanna flash my hairy pits.

Guess what, it is. Yes, working out is about health, but it's also about vanity. I didn't truly understand the benefit of this until my mom came to visit and took me to Nike where I got real workout outfits...like clothes that were made specifically for working out. I got pants like these:

Do I miss the days of cut-off sweats and oversized t's? Nope. Though I keep the t-shirts around for those off-days (read: bloated belly, hairy armpits, etc.), aint nothing like seeing your progress in some fun sexy gym outfits. Go ahead, buy some real clothes that were meant for working out...shave those pits and put on a tank top...strut your stuff, flaunt that bod...if you've got a little jiggle, Nike makes clothes to suck that shit in!! And maybe try a spinning class while you're at it.
Mihal - you crack me up! Glad the new clothes helped you find your gym mojo! I bet you look foxy! And thanks for the shout-out:)
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