
BK Fashion Week{end} X Snaps and Daps Exclusive...We Got the Photos Y'all!!

Sigh...I really have no words for what I experienced Saturday at BK Fashion Week{end}. Actually let me rephrase that, I do have some words--what I don't have are full sentences. So, since what I'm left with is words, I'll throw a few at you and then let the images speak for themselves: color, class, DEDICATION, innovation, swagger, legs, vibrant, Bruuunooooo, POP, press passes, flirty, live, inspirational, mischievous, sexual...and, do I even need to say it? FIERCE.

The usual SND duo was split up on Saturday, so the dapper gentlemen above were my dates. John Rankin (left) and Sean Conner (right)--honorary Snaps and Dapsers for the night--Clearly I only roll with the freshest...

We were VIP, they fed us real good.

When I say we were RIGHT on the runway...

My press pass :)

Aaand here we go (scroll down to the end of the post for a slide show with of ALL of the pieces and designers from the show)...

(Hollerrr!!! I know we're a bit partial, but these girls KILLED it)

The designers featured below (some not pictured above) are: Catalin Botezatu, Color Heritage, Fuseik, Miss Bruno, Catou and Joan Vaccianna. I know it's a lot of fashion to take in at once...can you handle it?


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